How to use PADI's Dive Shop locator

Location (Required field):

Enter the location of where you're looking for a PADI Dive Center in the location textbox. The location can be anything that is compatible with Google's geocoding. e.g. street complete address, city, state, Island, zip/postal code. As there are many locations around the world that have the same name, for these locations, you'll need to be more specific. e.g. Paris, France vs. Paris, California.

Dive Shop Name (Optional):

Enter the name of the PADI dive shop you are looking for.

Select Dive Shop Level ( Advanced Search Options):

Select from the dropdown menu the type of PADI Dive Shop you are looking for. Default search will look for all types.

Select a Course Type (Advanced Search Option): 

Select from the dropdown menu the type of PADI Course you are looking for. Default search will look for all types. If yuou do not find what you are looking for, try either zooming out or calling a local PADI Dive Shop.

*Note that sometimes differnt courses are offered at PADI Dive Shops without being displayed on the locator.

Generate List Below the map: You can turn on of off this feature. Turning it off will speed up the time it takes to return your search results to the screen. This is especially useful when searching wide areas.



  • The decoding of the infomation you enter into this textbox is decyphered by Google, and if found in Google's database, the appropriate map is displayed. You may need to enter more specific informaiton for Google to decyphers the loction you enter.

Dive Shop Name:

  • You do not need to know the exact name of the dive center you are looking for; partial infomration entered into this textbox will return any PADI Dive Shop with the information you typed in based on the location or map shown on the screen.
  • You can zoom out on the map or in broaden or lessen you search

Map: The controls on the map are standard google amp controls.

  • Map: displays a street map or geographics map when a street map is not avaliable based on the location
  • Satelite: displays satellite image of the locaton
  • Hybrid: displays a satillite image with a street map overlayed
  • Zoom: click on the + or double right click on the map to zoom in. Click on the - or double left click on the map to zoom out. You may also have the option to use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom.
  • Moving the map: you may use the directional arrows located in the upper left hand corner of the map, or you can drag the map around by clicking on it, holding the mouse down and moving it.

It's Not Working!

The PADI Dive Shop Locator uses the most current internet browser technologies including AJAX. Your browser must be compatible with Google Maps to use it. If you are having problems with the map portion, please go to Google Maps Help Center for additional troubleshooting tips.